Betty by MClimate е умен робот за почистване на бани и прозорци. Спестява време и усилия, а вие имате време да правите нещата, които наистина обичате! Автоматизирано чистене При почистването Betty симулира човешка ръка – прилага натиск и въртене, както…
Забравете за досадното чистене! Умната прахосмукачка Maya ще го направи вместо вас. Maya e умна прахосмукачка робот за сухо и мокро почистване. Защо Maya съществува? За да може твоят живот да е по-лесен, да не инвестираш време в неща, които…
Melissa Smart A/C Controllers are being installed in Norway. MClimate will provide Melissa Smart A/C devices to help Norwegian utility Eidsiva’s customers get more information about their energy usage at home. The Melissa WiFi devices will be used in 300 Norwegian…
Melissa Smart A/C Controller Works With Amazon Alexa Alexa is a voice control platform which is available on the Amazon devices Echo, Dot, and Tap. The integration of Melissa with Alexa enables you to use voice commands for controlling your…
Melissa Smart A/C Controller Works With The Google Assistant Now, you can set up your Melissa with your Google Home. Once configured, you would be able to send voice commands to control your air conditioner. Make sure that each Melissa which…
What did we learn from European Utility Week 2017 in Amsterdam It was a really big event Here are some statistics about it: 12,000 + attendees 100 + countries 500 + utilities and grid operators 600 + exhibitors 550…
MClimate will be attending the European Utility Week 2017 (October 3 – 5) in Amsterdam European Utility Week is the premier business and innovation event which gathers together utility professionals, technology providers, and vendors. The еvent will serve as a meeting…
Balancing the grid – a challenge for future electricity distribution. An extreme hot wave hit Europe, Southwest USA and parts of Asia this summer. The records are a scorching reminder that we are really experiencing climate change nowadays. Doctors warn people…
MClimate: finalist of E-Qube Start Up Challenge 2017 Our company was one of the finalists in the innovation start-up contest E-Qube 2017 organized by the Italian multi-utility company Estra S.p.A. in partnership with Biba Venture Partners, based in Barcelona. Estra S.p.A….
How Utility Companies Can Benefit From Smart Home Devices The rise of the renewable source connected to the grid, the development of distributed energy resource (DER) solutions, energy markets deregulation, technology innovations, new customers’ behavior, etc. are changing the traditional…