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Blog | Melissa Climate - Smart control of Air Conditioner.

Betty - умен робот за почистване на бани и прозорци

Betty by MClimate е умен робот за почистване на бани и прозорци. Спестява време и усилия, а вие имате време да правите нещата, които наистина обичате! Автоматизирано чистене При почистването Betty симулира човешка ръка – прилага натиск и въртене, както…

[нов продукт] Maya - умна прахосмукачка робот за сухо и мокро почистване, HD камера и мобилно приложение

Забравете за досадното чистене! Умната прахосмукачка Maya ще го направи вместо вас. Maya e умна прахосмукачка робот за сухо и мокро почистване. Защо Maya съществува? За да може твоят живот да е по-лесен, да не инвестираш време в неща, които…

MClimate at European Utility Week 2017

demand response, grid enabled water heaters, pumps, balance, flexible grid, electricity consumption, peak load, balance the grid, electricity distribution,Grid Interactive Water Heater

MClimate will be attending the European Utility Week 2017 (October  3 – 5) in Amsterdam European Utility Week is the premier business and innovation event which gathers together utility professionals, technology providers, and vendors. The еvent will serve as a meeting…

Demand response with grid – interactive water heating

demand response, grid enabled water heaters, pumps, balance, flexible grid, electricity consumption, peak load, balance the grid, electricity distribution,Grid Interactive Water Heater

Balancing the grid – a challenge for future electricity distribution. An extreme hot wave hit Europe, Southwest USA and parts of Asia this summer. The records are a scorching reminder that we are really experiencing climate change nowadays. Doctors warn people…

The Future Of Utilities And IoT

How Utility Companies Can Benefit From Smart Home Devices The rise of the renewable source connected to the grid, the development of distributed energy resource (DER) solutions, energy markets deregulation, technology innovations, new customers’ behavior, etc. are changing the traditional…

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